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I have worked in Quant Research for over three years and yes it gives descriptive statistics. The best part is that we obtain all of the information and it can be sorted, graphed, highlighted, mapped, or as descriptive any way you want.

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Q: Does quantitative research involves descriptive statistics?
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What quantitative research is most often reported as?

Quantitative research is often reported in charts and tables, because it involves many numbers and statistics.

What is the difference between quantitative qualitative research?

This questions references the two primary approaches to academic methodology. Qualitative research is highly descriptive, whereas quantitative methods rely on statistics, measurements, and mathematical calculations.

What is the different between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is exploratory research used to understand things. Quantitative research is essentially an investigation using statistical or mathematical methods to understand things.

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Which research is best suited for descriptive conclusive research?

When the research objective is quite clear, the research being performed is of quantitative type and the sample being used is quite big then conclusive descriptive research design is used.

What is the opposite of ethnography?

The opposite of ethnography could be considered as "quantitative research" or "experimentation." Ethnography involves qualitative methods focused on describing and interpreting cultures, while quantitative research uses numerical data and statistical analysis to draw conclusions. Experimentation involves controlled studies to test hypotheses and establish causation, which differs from the observational and descriptive nature of ethnography.

What is descriptive-correlational method of research?

Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic for example, a frozen ready meals company learns that there is a growing demand for fresh ready meals but doesnt know much about the area of fresh food and so has to carry out research in order to gain a better understanding. It is quantitative and uses surveys and panels and also the use of probability sampling. Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain phenomena. The details of the facts wont be known. The existing phenomenas facts are not known to the persons.

What statistical procedures that organize and summarize research data are called?

descriptive statistics

Quantitative vs qualitative?

Qualitative research involves analysis of data such as words (e.g., from interviews), pictures (e.g., video), or objects (e.g., an artifact). Quantitative research involves analysis of numerical data.

Advantages of quantitative research?

The advantage of quantitative research is that you will get more accurate results when comparing results using qualitative research. This type of research uses statistics and mathematical data to learn new things about something.

What is the difference in quantative data and descriptive data?

There are two main methods of research. These are quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Quantitative methods are based on numbers. that is statistics, measurements, values and calculations. Qualitative observes behaviors, visual characteristics and behaviors of what is/are being investigated. For example the Doppler Shift has qualitative characteristics of color (blue versus red shift). Quantitative aspects of the Doppler Shift of space objects would be their velocity, age, and compositions by percent.

Quantitative research is often reported as what to aid understanding?

Quantitative research are methodologies and reporting of numerical values, statistics and relationships to describe and model phenomena. Quantitative and qualitative procedures serve as the aid and foundation to understanding and executing the scientific method.