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Q: Does reflection happens when two plane mirrors are placed right angled to each other?
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Related questions

How many images will be formed if two mirrors placed at 60 degree angle?

Three images will be formed when two mirrors are placed at a 60 degree angle. The multiple reflection of light rays creates these images due to the angle of reflection.

Why 3 images are seen when an upright optical pin is placed between two plane mirrors meeting at right angles?

You are seeing a reflection and you are seeing a reflection of the reflection.

What reflection shows a clear image like that in a mirror?

A flat mirror provides a true reflection that shows a clear image of objects placed it front of it. Mirrors with a flat surface reflect light in a way that preserves the appearance of the objects being reflected.

How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm?

in my opinion only 2 images will be formed because the mirror is parallel and the candle between the mirror will stop the reflection.

How are patterns used in kaleidoscopes?

Patterns in kaleidoscopes are created by the reflection of multiple mirrors that create symmetrical and intricate designs. By rotating the kaleidoscope, the mirrors continuously change the patterns, creating a mesmerizing visual experience. The colorful objects placed at one end of the kaleidoscope also contribute to the intricate patterns through their reflections.

How does multiple reflection occur in a kaleidoscope?

In a kaleidoscope, multiple reflection occurs when light enters the tube and bounces off the internal mirrors multiple times. Each reflection creates a pattern by reflecting the colored objects placed at one end of the tube. This repeated reflection creates beautiful and intricate symmetrical patterns seen through the viewing hole at the other end of the kaleidoscope.

What angle are the mirrors in a periscope set?

at 45 degree it is placed

How do lasers use reflection for stronger beams?

Lasers use reflection by bouncing the light back and forth between mirrors placed at each end of a laser cavity. This allows the light to pass through the gain medium multiple times, amplifying the beam before it is emitted. This process results in a stronger and more focused laser beam.

Can the image formed by a plain mirror be obtained on a screen?

Plane mirrors do not create images that can be placed on a screen, only concave mirrors can.

Why same sizes of plane mirrors shows different sizes of images?

When two plane mirrors of the same size are placed at different angles to each other, the size of the images they create can appear different due to the way light reflects off them. The angle of incidence and reflection will affect how the rays of light bounce off the mirrors, resulting in variations in the size of the reflected images. Additionally, the position of the observer relative to the mirrors can also impact the perceived size of the images.

What is the standard placement of bathroom mirrors?

For aesthetic and practical use, bathroom mirrors should be placed at waist level. The bathroom mirrors should offer a one meter clearance from the ground.

Which mirror show virtual image of object placed in front of it?

Plane Mirror And Other Spherical Mirrors Bulged Outside, Such As Convex Mirrors