

Best Answer

No, rule 21 is the twenty first rule in the rule book.

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Q: Does rue 21 mean you have to be 21?
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Related questions

What is the symbol for rue 21?

Rue 21 doesn't have a symbol. On the websites and stores its just rue 21 {no caps or anything}.

What is Rue's birthday?

Rue McClanahan was born on February 21, 1934.

What is Rue 21?

Rue 21 is a store similar to Forever 21, but with menswear. Both stores are places to buy trendy pieces on a budget.

Does route 21 sell silly bandz?

Actually I think you mean Rue 21. But yes they just got Silly Bandz in stock.

What is Rue McClanahan's birthday?

Rue McClanahan was born on February 21, 1934.

How do I locate and print the official Rue 21 coupons?

Go online @ you will get coupons to print out, as well as rue 21 bucks. You can also send rue 21 coupons as gifts, no need to rush they are never ending.

How old is Rue McClanahan?

Rue McClanahan was born on February 21, 1934 and died on June 3, 2010. Rue McClanahan was 76 years old at the time of her death.

Is rue 21 a franchise?


Who founded rue 21?

Georges Wildenstein

Where can you find a cover for a dress?

forever 21, rue 21, wet seal

Where can you get an outfit like Demi Lovatos?

Places such as Forever 21 and rue 21.

Is Rue 21 Open On New Year's Day?
