Since the minutes are the same, just count off the hours.
its least count will be one second
The seniority rule functions by looking at the number of years one has been in an institution. This is an ideology that is based on hierarchical age.
0 seconds 0 minutes and 0 hours
one second
The employer decides case-by-case whether seniority matters more than skill.
Seniority had best stand with heedfulness and occasionally, and not turn out to be too staggered on it by allotted hours
The duration of Count the Hours is 1.27 hours.
The duration of Mumbai Cutting is 2.17 hours.
The duration of Cutting Class is 1.52 hours.
The duration of The Cutting Edge is 1.62 hours.
The duration of Cutting It Short is 1.55 hours.
The duration of You Can Count on Me is 1.85 hours.
Counting the Hours was created on 2010-05-11.
Seniority is the length of time a person has worked for an employer. IE: the person with the most seniority has worked there longer.
just count the hours
Seniority overlooks ability.