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Q: Does smoking weed produce more girl babies than boys?
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Why are there boys and girls?

because boys are more diffrent than girls the only reason is that boys have a diffrent bladder and they make babies that is either a boy or girl and if you like a girl then you cant have babies there is no diffrent if you love a girl and have babies with them then thats fine but once you've done it then you have.

Do some men only produce girl babies?

It may seem like some men can only produce girl babies. The fact is, selection of gender is completely random and coincidental.

Is shamo a girl?

yes he is a girl he has had no babies because he is a boy but she does like putting on makeup for a boys night out

Why do girls pass menstruation why not boys?

Boys don't have babies, girls do. A period is the lining of the uterus after it is no longer needed when a girl doesn't get pregnant.

How many hamsters will you get?

it depends if you want babies i'd get a boy and a girl if you don't want babies then you should get all boys or all girls, personally, I'k get one girl and name it Popeye! :)

How do guinea pigs make babies?

Yes, they will do this. You have to have a girl and a boy together to make any babies. It may be safe to keep the boys away from the girls.

What are the names of Jay Mehler and Lee Starkey's triplets?

I don't know the babies names, but she had two boys and a girl.

Why Boys are more responsible than girls?

Because , not to be mean, boys have a more powerful brain than girls and they can tell other people emotions more than girls. My teacher told me this and she is a girl

What do girls like of boys?

here's somethings i think girls would adore(yes,im a girl). funny boys and boys that can take a joke. strong but yet alittle shy boys. a romantic boy. nice boys that help others. boys that are smart and good at sports. boys that would stand up for a girl he likes boys that would protect the girl no matter what boys that can make fun of their selfs. They like the fantasy they created in their heads with a prince and beautiful babies.

Are 2 female guinea pigs best or a boy and a girl?

2 female because a boy and girl will just have babies, because they can at 3 months old. And a lot of times the babies that they produce will just eat eachother.

Any one with PCOS had a baby?

yes ive had 3 babies 2 boys ages 19,13 and a girl age 5

When did Henry the 8th devorse from Catherine of Aragon?

because she didnt produce any boys only one girl, Mary.