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Yes, because you can draw a square on a page and fold it diagonally, sideways and downwards. A parallelogram can only fold on to itself once.

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Q: Does square has more lines of symmetry than a parallelogram?
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How does a parallelogram have 3 lines of symmetry?

a square has more then three lines of symmetry, but I don't think a parrellelogram with only two parallel sides can

What have 4 lines of symmetry?

a square can have 4 lines of symmetry or more

Which has more lines of symmetry a square or an rectangle?

All squares are rectangle, but not all rectangles are square. The expected answer is "a square" ... A square has 4 lines of symmetry. A rectangle that is not a square has 2 lines of symmetry. However, the question is ambiguous. Since a square is a rectangle you can say that some rectangles have 4 lines of symmetry. A better question is, "Which has more lines of symmetry; a square, or a rectangle that is not a square?"

Does a square or rectangle has more lines of symmetry?

They both have the same amount of lines of symmetry. * * * * * Not true. A square has four lines of symmetry, a rectangle only two.

What has more lines of symmetry a square or diamond?


Why does a square have more lines of symmetry than a rectangle?

The diagonals of a rectangle aren't lines of symmetry unless it's square.

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Why the square has more lines of symmetry than the rectangle?

They would have the same

What shapes are quadrilateral but not parallelogram?

a square is not a parallelogram the dude who said is a retard. squares are parallelograms becuz parallelograms has to hve 2 sets of parallel lines, no more, no less. a square has 2 sets of parallel lines.

Which figure has more lines of symmetry A square or a pentagon?

In general, a square. A square always has 4 lines of symmetry. A pentagon need not have any. Only a regular pentagon can have 5 lines of symmetry. But if you created pentagons from sides with random lengths then, assuming the pentagons existed, only a tiny fraction would be regular: most pentagons would have no axes of symmetry.

Does a polygon have 5 lines of symmetry?

It could but not all of them .if this is not the answer you are looking for then i am so sorry. :( A polygon CAN have 5 lines of symmetry or more, such as a pentagon, hexagon or an octagon, etc. however, polygons like the square or triangle don't have 5 lines of symmetry.

What quadrilateral has no line of symmetry but more than one rotational symmetry orders?

A parallelogram.