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Q: Does symmetry matter about the color?
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Which letter has more symmetry A T S O?

O has the most symmetry because no matter how you turn it, it is still the same.

Does the number seven have one line of symmetry?

No. Look 7 the top and bottom are uneven lengths and no matter what angle you put the line of symmetry at, there will still be no proper symmetry line

What is the point of a symmetry circle?

No matter how you turn a circle, it will always be in the same position, therefore circles have infinite amounts of lines of symmetry.

Do kites have exactly one line of symmetry?

Yes they do as a matter of fact as you can see they go directly down so they have at least 1 line of symmetry.

Is color matter?

No. Matter occupies space and has mass. Color does neither.

Can matter be color?

Matter can be colored - and usually is, especially solids - but the color of something is just the wavelengths of light reflected back from it., matter has color but it can't be color.

What type of symmetry do cnidarian's have?

The basic body symmetry of a cnidarian, especially a jellyfish, is radial, meaning that no matter how it is bisected along its central axis, its two halves will be mirror images of one another.

Does a circle have rotational symmetry?

Yes, a circle has infinite rotational symmetry. This means that no matter how much you rotate a circle about its center, it will look the same at every angle.

Has more than 1 line of symmetry?

A rectangle,hexagon,octagon,triangle,decagon. It could be that looks dividable because no matter where you divide it, it has a line of symmetry... It could also be a snowflake!

What are facts about symmetry in math?

no matter what is on one side if the shape is symmetrical the other side must be the same

How many line of symetry a circle has?

A circles lines of symmetry go on forever no matter which way you go.

Why matter overcome antimatter?

That is one of the unsolved problems in cosmology. There seems to be a slight difference between matter and antimatter, that is, the symmetry between matter and antimatter is not perfect. But the details of baryogenesis are not known yet.