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Q: Does the bottom of a pyramid count as a face?
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Is the base of a retangular pyramid also a face?

The bottom, or base of a pyramid would count as a face is you were finding out surface area.

Does a pentagon pyramid have 5 sides?

6.... you need to count the bottom also

How many sides are visible from the bottom view of a triangular pyramid?

One, if you are looking at the base face of the pyramid.

Does a rectangular pyramid have more or fewer panels than a cube?

A cube has six sides; a pyramid has five, if you count the bottom of the base.

What is the difference between a square pyramid and a pyramid?

the difference between them is that the bottom face is different one of them is a rectangle and one of them is a square

What is the difference between a square pyramid and a rectangular pyramid?

the difference between them is that the bottom face is different one of them is a rectangle and one of them is a square

How many faces does a pryrimid have?

A pyramid has five faces. Four of the faces are triangular. The last face is at the bottom of the pyramid which is a square base.

How many faces has a square pyramid have?

5 if I'm not mistaken. A real pyramid has 4 sides joining at the top and 1 square face on the bottom.

Does a octagonal pyramid have seven faces?

No, it has nine. Eight faces from the octagon to the point plus the bottom face.

How many edges does a five face pyramid Have?

Five faced pyramid have 10 edges.Above is the answer for a pentagonal prism it has six faces (the bottom is also a face with five of the edges)A rectangular pyramid with five faces (four triangles and one rectangle) has eight edges.

When counting faces on a 3D cube or pyramid do you count the bottom and top or are they bases and a top?

"Face" means any/every flat surface that the solid has. "Base" is the face that it happens to be resting on right now. But if you want to, you can pick it up, turn it, and set it down on a different face. So the 'base' and 'top' can change, but they're all faces.

How many face does a triangle has?

a triangle has 1 face but if you mean a pyramid (3-D triangle) it has4 but a (a 3-D triangle with a square bottom) it has 5.