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Q: Does the color of recycling bins red or blue affect the number of cans recycled at school?
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Related questions

Where and how can my computer be recycled?

Computer recycling facilities are all over. Often you can find a facility with your city, or as part of a special recycling day at a local store or school.

How aluminum foil can be recycled or reused?

Aluminium foil can be reused in school in art lessons as it can be some decorations for the artwork. It can also be recycled with aluminum cans as it is just a thinner form of aluminum.

Can gold be recycled instead of mined?

Yes, gold can be recycled instead of mined. Recycling gold involves extracting and refining the metal from old jewelry, electronic components, and other sources. This process helps reduce the environmental impact of mining and conserves natural resources.

What are example sentences for recycling at school?

We put glass in the barrel for recycling at school.

How much paper is recycled at school?

at my school, in sutton coldfield, we recycle pretty much all paper, we have a recycling basket next to each bin and everyone uses them without even thinking about it. i assume all schools do similar things

Can a school get fined for not recycling?


What schools are involved in recycling programs?

Almost every school everywhere has sometime of recycling program.

Are most school collecting and recycling toners?

There is no schools in my area that are collecting toners. The best thing to do is to call the school to find out more information about recycling toners.

What can used copper be used for?

Used copper can be recycled to make new products such as electrical wiring, plumbing pipes, and household items. It is a valuable material for recycling because it retains its properties and can be recycled repeatedly without losing quality.

Where can someone go to recycle their old camcorders?

Old camcorders can be recycled at places like Best Buy and other electronics stores that have recycling programs. If the camcorder still works it can also be donated to a school for the students to use for projects and recording events.

How many kids in school learn about recycling?

I don't. I'm a freshman in highschool and I haven't learned about recycling since maybe like.. 3rd or 4th grade? Then again, every school is different.

Is it more expensive to produce paper from recycle paper or lumber?

Well this question is very broad. Especially because almost anything than can be recycled (plastic bottles, newspapers, etc) has some amount of recycled material in it. It would be better to ask (if even a good question in itself) why does it cost more to buy 100% recycled paper. That answer is simple. The process of recycling may be more expensive than simply acquiring the raw materials needed for creating an item.