No because the numerator and the denominator must be multiplied or divided by the same number for a given equivalent fraction
by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and adding the numerator. the denominator will remain the same.
Same as for adding: If the denominators are not equal, you must first find a common denominator, then convert both fractions to that common denominator.
The denominator should be the same as the denominator of the fraction.
Simply change the numerator and you will have another - different - fraction wit the same denominator.
No because the numerator and the denominator must be multiplied or divided by the same number for a given equivalent fraction
by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and adding the numerator. the denominator will remain the same.
If you are adding or subtracting unlike fractions, convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator.
Same as for adding: If the denominators are not equal, you must first find a common denominator, then convert both fractions to that common denominator.
The denominator should be the same as the denominator of the fraction.
Yes you make same denominator
That depends on the other denominator. You need at least two.
That depends on the other denominator. You need at least two.
Simply change the numerator and you will have another - different - fraction wit the same denominator.
Similiar fractions are fractions that have the same denominator.
When the numerators are the same, the fraction with the higher denominator is less than the fraction with the lower denominator. The denominator indicates the size of the "parts" being shown as a fraction, and the higher the denominator, the smaller those parts are!