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It depends on the mechanism.

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Q: Does the hour hand on a clock move closer to the hour every 10 minutes?
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The hour hand on a clock move 160 of a degree every minute how many degrees will it move in a hour?

On a normal 12-hour clock, the hour hand moves 360° in 12 hours, 360° in 720 minutes, or ½° every minute, not 1/60°. In one hour, 60 minutes, a normal 12-hour clock's hour hand will move 30°.

If the hour hand on a clock moves one half of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in an hour?


How many degrees does the minute hand of a clock turn in 45 minutes?

On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. 6° x 45 = 270°

How many degrees does a clock minute hand turn in 20 minutes?

Since a clock hand turns 360 degrees in 60 minutes, it will move 30 degrees in 5 minutes and 120 degrees in 20 minutes.

What is quarter to 2 o clock?

will be 1.45 in digital time. On a clock, the small hand will be between 1 and 2 but closer to 2 and the big hand will be on the 9

What is the least count of a clock if it has hours hand minutes hand and seconds hand?

one second

A clock has only one hand the small one and it is on the 28 minute mark so what time is it?

5:36. the 28 minute mark is between 5 and 6; there the hour is 5. there are 5 minutes between the 5 (25 minutes) and 6 (30 minutes). every minute represents 12 minutes (60 minutes/5 minutes). 28 minutes is the 3rd minute b/t 5 and 6. 3 x 12=36. 5:36. on a clock, the small hand (hour hand) moves to the next minute marker every 12 minutes.

How many minutes does the minute hand take to move in an hour on a clock?

60 Minutes

Does the short hand on a clock indicate the minutes?

No, it shows the hour.

How long does it take for the minute hand on a clock to move one degree?

On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. In ten seconds, the minute hand moves 1°.

How many minutes does it take the mintues hand move from 2 to 5 on a clock?

15 minutes.

The long hand on a clock goes around the clock face once every?
