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Yup, assuming it's a perfect circle. I guess it kind of depends on the font, though...but for the most part, yes.

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Q: Does the letter O have infinite rotational symmetry?
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Does o have a rotational symmetry?

Yes, of infinite order.

How many order of rotational symmetry does an alphabet o have?


Which letter has rotational symmetry?

yes, it has a rotational symmetry of 180 degrees, and of course 360. like if you flipped it upside down, then put it on top of the other one it would look the same. just not a lowercase.

Which capital letter in the alphabet has rotational symmetry?

The letter "O" has rotational symmetry, as it looks the same when rotated 180 degrees.

Which letters in the alphabet have infinite of symmetry?

The only letter of the alphabet with infinite lines of symetry would be 'o' assuming it a perfect circle. Interestingly enough is also has infinite rotational symetry as well.

Which letter has rotational and bilateral symmetry?

The letters: I O H X o x all exhibit bilateral symmetry and rotational symmetry, with O and X exhibiting it in both upper and lower case.

Which upper-case letter of the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

There are 10 letters in the alphabet that achieve rotational symmetry when displayed in their capital form. These letters: A, H, I, M, O, U, V, W, X, and Y.

What letters in the alphabet have rotational lines of symmetry?

letter o and x

How many lines of symmetry does letter O have?

An infinite number

Which uppercase letters in the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

H, I, O, and X have rotational symmetry.

What letter of the alphabet has an infinite number of lines of symmetry?


Does O have rotational symmetry?

yes it does