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Q: Does the meanmedianmidrangeand mode have to be a number in the set?
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How do you do mode?

A mode is a most frequent number in a data set. A data set may have multiple modes. If each different number of a set occurs only once, then that set has no mode.

How do you find the mode number?

It is the most commonnly occurring number in a set of numbers. I.E. if a set is 1,2,3,2,5,6,2 the mode is 2.

What is mode of a data set?

the mode is the number that occurs the most.

What is a mode in statistics?

The mode is the number in a set which repeats the most.

What is the mode of this data set 1 45 67 89 101?

There is no mode of this data set because each number appears only once. For a data set to have a mode, at least one number must appear more than once. The mode of a data set is the number that appears the most.Think: mode, most

Mode for each set 41 43 56 67 69 72?

The mode is the most frequent number in a set. This particular set has no number repeated so there is no mode. * * * * * No. Strange as it may sound, each of the values is a mode. Check out mode on Wikipedia.

How do you find the mode of a set of?

Whichever number occurs the most in a set is the mode. If two numbers are both the greatest, then they both are the mode.

What is the number that occurs most often in a set of numbers?


What is the definintion of mode in math?

Mode is the number in a set which appears most.

How do you find the mode of a number set?

The mode of a set of numbers is the number that occurs most often.

What is the mode for 5?

the mode is the number found the most in the set of data. if there is just one number, i dont believe there is a mode.

Is a mode a value not always a number in the data set it represents?

The mode, I think is not always a number in the data set it represents, for example I have a set of numbers, 1,7,2,4,6. You'll put them in order; 1,2,4,6,7. And there is no number that is the mode. So, I believe that is correct.