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Q: Does the meanmedianmidrangeand mode have to be a number in the set?
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How do you do mode?

A mode is a most frequent number in a data set. A data set may have multiple modes. If each different number of a set occurs only once, then that set has no mode.

How do you find the mode number?

It is the most commonnly occurring number in a set of numbers. I.E. if a set is 1,2,3,2,5,6,2 the mode is 2.

What is mode of a data set?

the mode is the number that occurs the most.

What is a mode in statistics?

The mode is the number in a set which repeats the most.

What is the mode of this data set 1 45 67 89 101?

There is no mode of this data set because each number appears only once. For a data set to have a mode, at least one number must appear more than once. The mode of a data set is the number that appears the most.Think: mode, most

Mode for each set 41 43 56 67 69 72?

The mode is the most frequent number in a set. This particular set has no number repeated so there is no mode. * * * * * No. Strange as it may sound, each of the values is a mode. Check out mode on Wikipedia.

How do you find the mode of a set of?

Whichever number occurs the most in a set is the mode. If two numbers are both the greatest, then they both are the mode.

How do you find the mode of a number set?

The mode of a set of numbers is the number that occurs most often.

What is the number that occurs most often in a set of numbers?


What is the definintion of mode in math?

Mode is the number in a set which appears most.

What is the mode for 5?

the mode is the number found the most in the set of data. if there is just one number, i dont believe there is a mode.

Is a mode a value not always a number in the data set it represents?

The mode, I think is not always a number in the data set it represents, for example I have a set of numbers, 1,7,2,4,6. You'll put them in order; 1,2,4,6,7. And there is no number that is the mode. So, I believe that is correct.