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Q: Does the presence of a larger number of districts in the extreme categories represent larger spatial convergence or divergence?
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What districts does congress represent?

all of them

What type of magnetic field lines represent uniform magnetic field?

Uniform magnetic field is represented by parallel and evenly spaced magnetic field lines that run either from north to south or south to north, without any convergence or divergence.

What are voters that a member of congress represent?

The Senators represent the state and the representative represent the people of their districts.

Who do the members of the House of Representatives represenT?

They are supposed to represent the people of the districts that elected them.

What does the wood represent in the hunger games?

the woods in The Hunger Games represent the freedom and danger facing the people of the districts if they were to leave where they were

What does the woods represent in the Hunger Games?

the woods in the hunger games represent the freedom and danger facing the people of the districts if they were to leave where they were

What do the coal mines represent in The Hunger Games?

The coal mines represent the Capitol's control on all 12 districts. Each district is ordered to gather/mine/develop certain things according to the districts natural resources.

Who are the people and interests that senators represent?

Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. The number of districts in each state is determined by a state's population. Each state has a minimum of one representative in Congress. The House and Senate have evolved into very different bodies.

Each state is divided into congressional districts to elect u.s. representatives. Which statement about u.s. representative is most accurate?

Answer this question… They represent single-member districts.

Each state is divided into congressional districts to elect U.S. representatives. Which statement about U.S. representatives is most accurate?

Answer this question… They represent single-member districts.

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What congressional district do US citizens live in?

Each state has two Senators and they represent districts within the state, so everyone lives in one of the districts depending on their voting address. There are a hundred Senators so that is 200 districts.