The scale factor typically goes on the bottom of a ratio when comparing measurements in different units. For example, if you are converting inches to centimeters, the scale factor would be in the denominator to ensure the correct conversion. However, in other contexts, such as when scaling geometric figures, the scale factor can be represented as a ratio where the numerator and denominator are interchangeable depending on the context of the problem.
On the bottom - numerator on top; denom on bottom.
You need to just muyiply pie and their you go.
Take the 'reciprocal' of the given scale factor to go the other way. The 'reciprocal' of a number is 1/(the number). 3 ==> 1/3 5 ==> 1/5 1/7 ==> 7 2/3 ==> 3/2 etc.
Turn it over so that instead of the numbers going up from left to right (or bottom to top), they go up from right to left (or top to bottom).
the top one goes in the bottom and the bottom ones go in the top
It goes at the bottom.
On the bottom
Most closing credits begin at the bottom of the screen and end at the top.
Does it go from the top or bottom
On the bottom - numerator on top; denom on bottom.
You don't do anything. Their shell is suppose to shead scale by scale, and if it is not then you need to go to the pet store, and if they don't have the medicine to help the turtle shead then you can just get some vasiline, and rub it on the shell...(top and bottom)
No it is the gas in the ale that makes it go up to the top.
you go into the underwater space and go all the way down to the bottom where the giant clam is. next to it is a doorway, go into it. then, the hydra is there. Every time it slams one of its heads down. jump on top of them one by one until they are all asleep. you can go to its body now, run across and you'll get the scale.
Top. But I play football and I've wore a smaller one on my bottom teeth before.
vertically top to bottom