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Q: Does the term Binary represent a certain number?
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How many bits are needed to represent 18 symbols?

18 in binary is 10010 Since 18 can't be written in term of 2 to the power x, the number of bits needed is 5. The answer is 5

What is a term for a number that goes into a function machine?

Its called "Binary Numbers"

What hypothesis have scientists formulated about binaries?

The term binary is applied to a number of different things, such as binary stars, binary numbers, or binary chemical agents. Your question should be more specific.

Which term in a number sequence does a(n-1) represent?

The term that comes before nth term

How do you subtract binary?

Align the two numbers as you would in decimal subtraction. Append leading zeros if necessary to represent both numbers with the same number of digits Apply two's complement to the second term Add the complemented number to the first term. The sum in the previous step should have one more digit than you started with.

Are binary and winery the same thing?

no binary is a computing term meaning the number system in which ones and zeros are used to give data. And winery is a place where wine is made.

What is a binary antonym?

A binary antonym is a semantic term for a complementary antonym - a term whose meaning complements the meaning of the other term - such as mortal and immortal.

What does the term 'valu' mean?

The term "valu" is a slang term that is used to represent the word "value." It is usually used in marketing for a product because it is hipper and more appealing to certain demographics.

A certain number decreased by 4?

As an algebraic term: x-4

What is short term for binary digit?


The term binary fission is best applied to?

Binary fission is best applied to describe the asexual reproduction process in which a single parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This term is commonly used in reference to prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria, which reproduce by binary fission.

What is the term for adding subtracting dividing multiplying binary numbers 1 and 0?

Binary arithmetic.Binary arithmetic.Binary arithmetic.Binary arithmetic.