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This line is an emblem that has been used to show support for police officers. It is still used today.

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Q: Does the thin blue line still exist today and if so what are your thoughts on the thin blue line?
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How many colors of rainbow?

there are 7..... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet: ROY G BIV The so-called "colors" of brown, mustard, pink, chartreuse, beige, fuschia, cream, olive, burgundy, magenta, etc. are the products of mass hysteria, and do not exist. Only the seven listed above exist.

What are the main primary colours?

There are several sets of primary colors in use today. The RYB model is used in arts and design, and includes Red, Yellow and Blue. For overlapping lights, Red, Green and Blue are typically used. In dyes, the CYMK model is prominent, i.e. Cyan, Yellow and Magenta.

How many subsets exist for the set blue red yellow green white black brown?

I believe the number of subsets for a set is equal to 2 raised to the power of the size of the set, so this set would have 27 = 128.

6 red socks 5 blue socks what is the probability of pulling out a red one?

oh shut up.... i havnt had maths today so find out yourself you lazy idiot

How many different shades of blue exist and what are their names?

65536 that the eye can see, qualifying "blue" as and color that has blue in the RBG scale.Blue colour has 52 shades and their names are given below-:AAir Force blueAlice blueAo (color)AzureAzure (color)Baby blueBleu De FranceBleu celesteBlueBrandeis blueCCambridge Blue (colour)Carolina blueCeilCeruleanCobalt blueColumbia blueCornflower blueCCyanDDeep sky blueDenim (color)Dodger blueDuke blueEEgyptian blueElectric blue (color)Eton blueFFederal BlueGGlaucousHHan purple and Han blueIIceberg (color)IndigoInternational Klein BlueIris (color)MMajorelle BlueMaya BlueMidnight blueNavy blueNon-photo blueOOxford Blue (color)Palatinate (colour)Phthalocyanine Blue BNPowder bluePrussian blueRRoyal blueSapphire (color)St. Patrick's blueSteel blueTTeal (color)Tiffany BlueUUltramarineYYale BlueZZaffre