a maximum length of a whale is 900 metres
A right whale
The only reference to a whale in the bible that I am aware of is in the book of Jonah.I don't have a King James version to confirm that they do refer as the fish as a whale. I have a NIV version and it says that God provided a great fish.As a child I recall the story being told with Jonah being swallowed by a whale There are 4 references to 'whale' in the KJV Bible: Genesis 1.21 Job 7.12 Ezekiel 32.2 Matthew 12.40 In Jonah, the 'whale' is called 'a great fish' (Jonah 1.17), but Jesus calls it a whale (Matthew 12.40)
a whale
is about whale
An anamatronic whale.
free willy
No,(died from a disease)
Due to crack cocaine addiction.
No, no robot replaced Keiko [1977-December 12, 2003] in any of the films. The orca was the real live whale in 'Free Willy 1' [1993], 'Free Willy 2' [1995], and 'Free Willy 3' [1997]. But he won't be seen in the upcoming 'Free Willy 4: Escape from Pirate's Cove' [2010].
Dog and willy teh whale.
The plot of Free Willy, is to free the whale from captivity. The character's in the film believe that Willy needs to be released into it's natural habitat.
No relationship at all. Both can be aquatic but the blue whale is purely aquatic. Blue whale dies outside water.