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Q: Does the y or the x have to be different in order to be a function?
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What is the function of a ratio?

The function is f(x, y) = x/y where x, y are real, and y ≠ 0

What is a relation where x only has one y?

A Function. That is the definition of a function. I like to think of a function, f(x) as a number crunching machine. the number crunching machine eats different x 's. It eats each and every x and crunches it the same way, but spits out a new Y every time. Remember, y = f(x). That is, "y is a function of x". There you go.

How do you make y a function of x?

You have Y and you have X. F=function. Y is already a function of X because here's another way you write Y: F(X). So instead of putting Y you out F(X) which meanf "F or X" or "function of X".

How many different functions are there that are equal to their own inverse?

The inverse of a function is its reflection in the line y=x. so the only function that returns its own inverse is the line y=x or any part of the line y=x

How can you tell if it not function of x?

If what is meant is that the exercise asks whether or not y is a function of x, then it can be determined by a brief experiment with the numbers and variables presented in the equation written. If y is isolated from x depending on the organization of whichever total side of the equation where both variables are written, then it becomes simpler to find whether or not y is a function of x. For example, if the equation is written y2 = x + 4, then y is a function of x because x and y are isolated to different sides of the equation. But if the equation is written, for instance, as y2 + 5x = 4, then y is not a function of x because x and y are not isolated to different sides of the given equation. Furthermore, this rule does not depend upon fractions or estimations. The rule holds true because y is a function of x if x and y are related according to the format of the whole equation and the numbers it contains.

Related questions

Can two different x values have the same Y value?

Yes, depending on the function. For example, in the function y = x squared, for x-values of both 2 and -2 you get the same y-value.

What is a relation where x only has one y?

A Function. That is the definition of a function. I like to think of a function, f(x) as a number crunching machine. the number crunching machine eats different x 's. It eats each and every x and crunches it the same way, but spits out a new Y every time. Remember, y = f(x). That is, "y is a function of x". There you go.

What is the function of a ratio?

The function is f(x, y) = x/y where x, y are real, and y ≠ 0

How do you make y a function of x?

You have Y and you have X. F=function. Y is already a function of X because here's another way you write Y: F(X). So instead of putting Y you out F(X) which meanf "F or X" or "function of X".

Is x equals y a function?

y = x This is a line and a function. Function values are y values.

What is a binary function?

A binary function is a function f if there exists sets X, Y, and Z, such that f:X x Y -> Z where X x Y is the cartesian product of X and Y.

How can you tell if it not function of x?

If what is meant is that the exercise asks whether or not y is a function of x, then it can be determined by a brief experiment with the numbers and variables presented in the equation written. If y is isolated from x depending on the organization of whichever total side of the equation where both variables are written, then it becomes simpler to find whether or not y is a function of x. For example, if the equation is written y2 = x + 4, then y is a function of x because x and y are isolated to different sides of the equation. But if the equation is written, for instance, as y2 + 5x = 4, then y is not a function of x because x and y are not isolated to different sides of the given equation. Furthermore, this rule does not depend upon fractions or estimations. The rule holds true because y is a function of x if x and y are related according to the format of the whole equation and the numbers it contains.

How many different functions are there that are equal to their own inverse?

The inverse of a function is its reflection in the line y=x. so the only function that returns its own inverse is the line y=x or any part of the line y=x

What is implicit differentiation?

implicit function/? an equation the function(x,y)=0 defines y implicitly as a function of x the domain of that implicitiy defines function consists of those x for which there is a unique y such that the function (x,y)=0

Y squared plus x equals 7. determine whether this is a function?

y2 + x = 7 : this can be written as y2 = 7 - x or x = 7 - y2. There is not a specific solution to this identity. For each different value assigned to x then a different value is generated for y. Or, it can be viewed that for each different value assigned to y then a different value is generated for x. This expression is therefore a function.

Does the equation x plus y equals 41 define y as a function of x?

Both. If you look at it like this: y=41-x you say x is independent and y is dependent of x (i.e. y is a function of x) For x=41-y you say y is independent and x is dependent of y (i.e. x is a function of y)

Is x a function of y or is y a function of x?

Either - or both - can be true.