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Q: Does thyroid meds come in micrograms?
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If your tsh is 20-32 do you take more thyroid meds?

If your TSH is 20-32 (range is 0.27-5.50) do I need more thyroid meds?

What is bigger. mg or mcg in meds?

Mg is significantly larger than mcg. Mg stands for milligrams. Mcg stands for micrograms. There are 1,000 micrograms in a milligram.

Can you die if stop taking thyroid medication?

What happens after discontinuation of thyroid meds is entirely dependent upon which thyroid meds you are taking. Thyroid supplementation is necessary for life and without it you will die. If the meds you are taking are slowing down the production of thyroid hormone because you have hypERthyroidism, then the thyroid will again overproduce hormone and you will become sick. If you have cancer and choose not to have RAI, you may have a recurrence of your cancer.

Can you take tyrodid medicine while on the hcg diet?

yes, you should take your thyroid meds while on the hcg diet protocol. Some people find their low thyroid meds need to be reduced as they lose weight. You may feel symptoms of hyper thyroid if this is the case. Meds may need to be reduced because your body fat is decreasing and your hormone levels will change with your body. If you do not take your meds, your losses will be slower and stalls will happen more.

What are the two measurements that come between micrograms and milligrams?

There are no SI measurements that are between these. However, I can say that 200 micrograms and 523 micrograms are between a microgram and a milligram.

Can too little thyroid meds cause one to be jittery?

Typically a jittery feeling, or trembling hands, is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormones. To make sure you are taking the proper dose of thyroid medication talk with your doctor and ask them to check your thyroid hormone levels.

Can estrogen imbalance cause medications for hypothyroid medications not to work correctly?

Yes, estrogen products may increase thyroid-binding globulins and decrease the amount of thyroid hormones in the body. It may be necessary to increase the dose of thyroid replacement meds from your current regimen.

What is the difference between adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones?

Adrenal hormones come from you adrenal glands and thyroid hormones come from your thyroids.

How can your tubals come untie without meds?

No, sorry.

How many medicines come from pigs?

about 40 meds

If you drink diet coke an hour before a blood test can it make your results show that you have an overactive thyroid when in fact you do not?

No. Diet coke has nothing to do with the thyroidhormones. If your results show high levels of thyroid hormones, you should take meds to control them.

Can you take adderall and levothyroxine at same time in the morning?

always take thyroid meds on an empty stomach. In the morning take the thyroid and wait an hour to eat or drink anything. Take meds after this hour and try to take vitamins much later. If you take the thyroid at night, you must go three hours of nothing to empty your stomach and then the one hour again. Best to take it in the morning. I set my alarm, take it with just enough water to swallow and go back to sleep.