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Q: Does x plus y equals 4 have one solution no solution or infinite number of solutions?
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X plus Y equals 6 wITHOUT GRAphing does system have one solution or no solution or infinite number of solutions X plus Y equals 9?

[x + y = 6] has an infinite number of solutions.

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What is an infinite solution to an equation?

An infinite solution means that are an infinite number of values that are solutions.

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This question has an infinite number of solutions !

How do you recognize when an equation has no real solution or an infinite number of solutions?

It depends on the equation. Also, the domain must be such that is supports an infinite number of solutions. A quadratic equation, for example, has no real solution if its discriminant is negative. It cannot have an infinite number of solutions. Many trigonometric equations are periodic and consequently have an infinite number of solutions - provided the domain is also infinite. A function defined as follows: f(x) = 1 if x is real f(x) = 0 if x is not real has no real solutions but an infinite number of solutions in complex numbers.

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There is an infinite number of solutions to this question !

If a system has an infinite number of solutions does it follow that any ordered pair is a solution?

No, this is not necessarily the case. A function can have an infinite range of solutions but not an infinite domain. This means that not every ordered pair would be a solution.

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There is an infinite number of solutions. To get one possible solution, take a number, and add 18939 to it. This new number minus the first number gives u a difference of 18939!

Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation 2x - 3y equals 18?

There are an infinite number of solutions to this equation, some of which are (9,0), (12,2), (15,4), (18,6), (21,8)

How many solutions does 2 equals y have?

In terms of y alone, just one solution. In the context of the Cartesian plane (or spaces in higher dimensions) an infinite number.

Do the equations x equals 4y plus 1 and x equals 4y-1 have the same solution. How might you explain your answer to someone who has not learned algebra?

Each of these have an infinite number of solutions. Never can they be equal.

Does this system of equations have one solution no solutions or an infinite number of solutions x - 2y equals -6 and x-2y equals 2?

x - 2y = -6 x - 2y = 2 subtract the 2nd equation from the 1st equation 0 = -8 false Therefore, the system of the equations has no solution.