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Joining the military in the US is voluntary. He doesn't have to join if he doesn't want to.

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Q: Does your only 18 year old son have to register for the us Military service?
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Related questions

What is require from a 17 turning 18 year old boy?

The only requirement in the US is to register with the selective service. That's about it!

Does ROTC military service count for 20 year regular service?

No. Time in ROTC does not count towards your military time in service.

Can a 17 year old register to vote if he has joined the military at 17?

You must be 18 to vote. However, a 17 year old can register to vote and would be able to vote in a primary that is for a federal election that he would be voting for later on. In UK military you can register at 17 but you still will not be able to vote until 18

How many people registered for military service in?

We need a year.

Can a 40 year old woman join the military part-time?

If she does not posses a prior military service, no.

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In what year did congress pass the selective service act which required all male citizens to register for military draft upon turning eighteen?

Probably during WWII; it was constant because of the cold war...and didn't end until the Vietnam War.

What year did Harley-Davidson establish it's service school to support the military?


Does Finland have a voluntary military?

No, every man must serve his country in one of the two ways: by going through military training or, alternatively, by doing "civilian service". Most men do the about a half a year long military service. Civilian service lasts for a year, during which you must work at a state- or county-owned working place such as a hospital or a school.

Is military involvement mandatory in Mexico?

Military involvement is mandatory in Mexico for all 18 year-old males.

How many military people are discharged a year?

The number of military personnel discharged each year varies depending on factors such as enlistment contracts, performance, and military policies. On average, tens of thousands of military members may be discharged annually across all branches of the military.

How many people leave the army each year?

Each year, 10,000 service members leave some form of military service because of some kind of medical reason. Many of the service members are discharged from the armed service.