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Q: Doubling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?
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If the radius of a sphere doubles does its surface area double?

No, if the radius of a sphere doubles, its surface area increases by a factor of 4, not simply doubling. The surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of the radius.

Quadrupling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


Tripling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


Fill in the blank Tripling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


What effects the cylinder more doubling the radius or doubling the height?

They both have the same effect on the surface area of the pipe, but the radius has more effect on its volume/capacity.

As the radius of a sphere gets larger which of the spheres measurements increases more the surface area or the volume?

The volume increases faster. (proportional to the cube of the radius)The surface area increases slower. (proportional to the square of the radius)

How does doubling the radius of a cylinder affect the volume?

Doubling the radius quadruples the volume.

How is the volume of a sphere affected if you double the radius?

The volume of a sphere is proportional to R3 .So doubling the radius causes the volume to increase by a factor of 23 = 8 .

What happens to the surface area of a sphere if its radius is doubled?

If the radius of a sphere is doubled, the surface area increases by (2)2 = 4 times, and the volume increases by (2)3 = 8 times.

What happens to the cylinder's surface area if its radius is squared?

It remains the same or increases in surface area.

If the radius of a sphere is tripled what is going to happen to surface area?

If the radius of a sphere is tripled, the surface area increases by (3)2 = 9 times, and the volume increases by (3)3 = 27 times.

If you double the radius of cylinder how does this affect the volume of the cylinder?

The volume increases by a factor of four.