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14 feet

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Q: Dr Black is standing 25 feet from a streetlamp and he is casting an 8 foot shadow he estimates that the angle of elevation from the tip of his shadow to the top of thestreetlamp is 20 the streetlamp y?
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What are azimuth and altitude use to describe?

Azimuth is the angle, typically using true north as zero degrees to an object from viewers location. An altitude (if expressed as an elevation angle from the viewer) provides a line of sight to an object in space. If you were standing at a point and facing true north and there was an airplane flying at 20,000 ft and you knew the elevation angle you could compute the range and have an (X,Y,Z) location for the object.

The light from a lamppost casts a shadow of a man who is standing 10 feet away from the lamppost. The man's shadow is 5 feet long. The angle of elevation from the tip of the shadow to the lamp is 50 d?

The man is 5.96 feet tall and the lamp is 17.88 feet high.

Two observers are standing 500 feet apart Each measure the angle of elevation of a balloon that lies in a vertical plane passing through their locations The angles are 53 and 42. Height of Balloon?

how i the world would i know pay attention in class some times

What is wrong side of the cot?

Standing on the wrong side of the cot is- Standing on the cot on the side where you usually have the pillows or standing on where usually (daily) you rest your head while you sleep.

What does there are many ways of going forward but only one way of standing still mean?

there are to many possibilities to reach our goal, but we want to standing still on our goal . for standing still on our goal to do hard work , doing planing for that , doing revision , time management etc.then and then you still standing on our goal..

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Peru's highest elevation is the Huascarán Mountain, standing at 6,768 meters.

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Standing at 29.028ft or 8.848m high Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world

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Standing at 29.028ft or 8.848m high Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

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A: That is a safety feature. Insure that the door is shut before elevation changes can be made. A person can be cut in half if standing on a door as elevator change elevation

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The highest point in Washington state is Mount Rainier, standing at an elevation of 14,411 feet (4,392 meters) above sea level.

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Victoria Peak is the highest point in Belize, standing at an elevation of 3,688 feet (1,124 meters) above sea level.

What US State has the highest elevation along the eastern coastline?

North Carolina has the highest elevation along the eastern coastline with Mount Mitchell standing at 6,684 feet above sea level.

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The highest elevation in the continental US is Mount Whitney in California, standing at 14,505 feet (4,421 meters) above sea level.

How do you treat pain in Pulled quadricep right leg?

R.I.C.E, standing for Rest, Icing, Compression, and Elevation. The same is true for the left leg.

An observer who is 6 ft tall has an angle of elevation of 60 to the top of a tree and is standing 20 ft from its base How tall is the tree?