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Q: Each conditional is true Write its converse If the converse is also true combine the statements as a biconditional If 2x plus 12 equals 16 then x equals 2?
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When a conditional and its converse are true what can you combine them as?

a biconditional"All triangles have 3 sides" and "A polygon with 3 sides is a triangle" can be combined as "A polygon is a triangle if and only if it has 3 sides."The phrase "if and only if" is often abbreviated as "iff".

What method allows you to combine related conditional statements?


The method of what allows you to combine related conditional statements?


Fill in the blank The method of the allows you to combine related conditional statements?

The method of the if...else statement allows you to combine related conditional statements. This statement provides a way to execute different blocks of code based on whether a specified condition is true or false.

What are some examples of logical connectives?

Examples of logical connectives include "and" (conjunction), "or" (disjunction), "not" (negation), "if...then" (implication), and "if and only if" (biconditional). These connectives are used in logic to combine or modify statements.

How do you use the law of syllogism?

The law of syllogism is a logical rule that lets you draw a conclusion from two conditional statements. If the first statement leads to the second statement and the second statement leads to a third statement, you can infer that the first statement leads to the third statement. It's a way to combine multiple conditional statements to draw a single conclusion.

What are the 3 c's of decision making?

Converse, Combine, Correct

What allows you to combine related conditionals statements?


What method allows you to combine realted conditions statements?


Which is a vital component of effective search statements that allow you to combine search terms to broaden or narrow your search?

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Which is a vital component of effective search statements that allows you to combine search terms to broaden or narrow your search?

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What is conaitanol formating?

Have never heard of "conaitanol," but if you are referring to catenate, it is the process where you link text similar to the way you add numbers. With number, you combine with a plus sign (+); with letters, you catenate with an ampersand (&). To combine 2 and 3, you would use the formula =2+3 to get the result 6. To combine two and three, you would use the formula =two & three to get the result twothree.Ah... maybe you mean "conditional." If so, conditional formatting is setting specific rules to automatically format a cell based on specific conditions, such as if the number is greater that 100, then turn the cell background blue.