In the worst case, each package of cards contains 20 different cards, and each package is different than any other package. This means that, if there are 550 different cards, it would take 27.5 packages to contain all 550 cards. Since you cannot purchase a half package, you would have to purchase 28 packages to ensure that you get more than one of the same card.
1.33... packages per unit, or 0.75 units per package.
The answer depends on the size of the cards. It could be just one large package.
Two packages of used comics (2 * 5 = 10 total).Two packages of new comics (2 * 3 = 6 total).Four packages total (10 + 6 = 16)
In the worst case, each package of cards contains 20 different cards, and each package is different than any other package. This means that, if there are 550 different cards, it would take 27.5 packages to contain all 550 cards. Since you cannot purchase a half package, you would have to purchase 28 packages to ensure that you get more than one of the same card.
A package is a mechanism for organizing namespace, constructors, methods and fields. PHP is a technology in itself and contains quite a few packages
package is a logical container that contains logically related classes interfaces and sub packages. Concept of package is use to provide a unik name space to class as well as to enforce scope.
1 package is to five socks as four packages are to twenty socks. That is, if one package contains five socks (or five pairs of socks), four of the same package will contain twenty socks (or twenty pairs of socks) between them.
Two packages are housed in carrying case assembly and two are housed in the carrying harness; each package contains six standoffs
What are the mode of acquisitions of packages?
12 * 4 * 36 = 1728 crackers
package package_name;
There are several packages available at the Arlington Hotel. There is a standard package, a bed and breakfast, a Spa package, and combinations of those packages as well.
There are lots of different sizes of shipping packages. You can choose from: Letter, Large Envelope, thick envelope, Package, Large Package and Irregular packages.
Royal Lahaina Resort offers many packages such as the "Golf Package", the "Honeymoon Package", the "Vacation Package" and they also offer a "Custom Package" that is customized to fit your needs.
From barbie i can be packages