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Q: Each second a rabbit moves one-half the remaining distance from the nose to a hand of lettuce?
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Can iceburg lettuce cause death to a rabbit or is it safe for them to eat?

Iceberg lettuce can NOT cause a rabbit death but it has no nutrients value and it COULD get your rabbit sick. Overall, iceberg lettuce for your rabbit should be avoided.

Is there any fruit or vegetable you shouldn't give a rabbit to eat?

Lettuce!! NEVER EVER feed a rabbit lettuce

Which relationship best describes the interactions between lettuce and rabbit?

Mutualism - the rabbit benefits from the nutrients in lettuce, while the lettuce benefits when the rabbit disperses its seeds through feces.

Is it ok to give an indoor rabbit letuse during winter?

It is OK to give ANY rabbit a small amount of lettuce as a treat only, anytime. The only rabbit who can eat as much lettuce as they want is the wild rabbit who has access to herbs and minerals to counter balance the lettuce. Domestic rabbit owners should remember the tale of Peter Rabbit and what happened to him when he ate too much lettuce in Mr. MacGregor's garden.

Can lettuce harm a rabbit in any way?


What relationship best describes the interactions between lettuce and a rabbit?

Predation. The rabbit eats the lettuce for nourishment.

Is the verb transitive intransitive or linking in the sentence The rabbit munched the lettuce?

The verb in the sentence, 'munched' is a transitive verb, a verb that takes an object.An intransitive verb requires no object, for example: The rabbit munched the lettuce and slept. (no object required for the verb 'slept')The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (The rabbit is white. rabbit=white); or the subject becomes the object (The rabbit got wet. rabbit->wet).The rabbit is not and does not become the lettuce.

When a rabbit eats lettuce in your garden all of the energy in the lettuce is used by the rabbit?

No. The rabbit only uses a fraction of of the energy. As a general rule of thumb, 90% of the energy in an animal's food goes to waste.

What is a sentence using the word lettuce?

I gave some lettuce to my rabbit to nibble on. I planted some lettuce, carrots and tomatoes in the garden.

Is lettuce safe to fed your pet rabbit?

Some lettuce is poisonous to rabbits and can cause stomachaches. some lettuce can even be fatal.

How do you get a rabbit to come back to you?

by having romaine lettuce

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