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smoking; combined

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Q: Each year kills more people than alcohol AIDS car accidents illegal drugs murders and suicides?
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Smoking kills more people than the combination of 6 things?

Yes. Smoking kills more people than car crashes, suicides, alcohol, murders, illegal drugs and AIDS combined.

What is bestgor?

It's a website where you see dead people, messed up accidents, suicides, murders, and all tons of disturbing stuff

What is the drug that the majority of Canadians over the age 15 have tried and is involved in many murders suicides and fatal car accidents?

Crystal Meth

Smoking kills more people than alcohol AIDS car accidents illegal drugs murders and suicides combined?

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, with numerous health risks, such as cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. It is important for individuals to quit smoking and for public health initiatives to promote awareness about the dangers of smoking.

What percent of murders are due to alcohol?

41 percent of all driving fatalities involve alcohol. Seven percent of all accidents involve alcohol use. This doesn't include the use of drugs and their involvement in accidents.

What is the History of murders or suicides at 2310 Mason Street 77006?

The mason family?..

Alcohol is a factor in about what percentage of murders?

Alcohol is a factor in about 40% of murders.

What do forensic scientists do more information?

accidents and murders and stuff

How common are heterosexual double suicides involving male and female?

Far less common than suicide-murders.

Of murders are due to alcohol?


How often is alcohol involved in homicides?

Alcohol related crimes account for 54 percent of murders and attempted murders 68 percent of manslaughters.

Percent of murders are due to alcohol?

A lot%