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REBIRTH i cant believe i just answered my own epifany much

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Q: English translation of renaissance
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What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'high Renaissance'?

Alto Rinascimento is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "high Renaissance."Specifically, the masculine adjective alto means "high." The masculine noun rinascimento translates as "rebirth, renaissance." The pronunciation will be "AL-to ree-NA-shee-MEN-to" in Italian.

When the English renaissance?

The English Renaissance was from 1485-1650.

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When was English Literary Renaissance created?

English Literary Renaissance was created in 1971.

What is the English translation of the word renaissance?

Renaissance means reawakening or rebirth in English. It seems that 'renaissance' is accepted as an English word by a number of dictionaries. The word 'Renaissance' comes into the English language by way of the French. The term refers to the important architectural, artistic, literary and philosophical movements that were begun in 14th century Italy. The English translation of the French term is rebirth or revival. For the movement that began in the Italian Peninsula emphasized an appreciation of, and return to, the perceived great achievements of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

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The English translation of "ipalaganap" is "to promote" or "to spread".

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The English translation is FOR.

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The translation of "English to Coptic" is "

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The English translation for asignatura is ''subject'' or ''class''

What job titles would servants had that worked in a Renaissance Household in 16th century Spain with the English translation?

im not sure if im right,, but i believe it means restart.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'Italian Renaissance'?

Rinascimento italianois an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Italian Renaissance".Specifically, the masculine noun rinascimento means "rebirth". The masculine adjective italiano translates as "Italian". The pronunciation will be "re-NA-sche-MEN-to EE-ta-LYA-no" in Italian.

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English translation of bakasyon: vacation