The word equivalent has four syllables. (E-quiv-a-lent)
What is the equivalent of eight gallons in litres.
give me a answer
Can you give sentence by using abyss word?
There was an equivalent fraction in math class yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Harpor needed us to use equivalent fraction for the worksheets.
It is: 8/10 which is equivalent to 4/5 in its simplest form
Pepper was so valuable at one point in history, that one pound of pepper was equivalent in value to one pound of gold.
I'll give you two: "typical" and "prosaic".
"To give" is an English equivalent of the Italian word dare.Specifically, the word is a verb. It showcases the form of the present infinitive. The pronunciation will be "DA-rey" in Italian.
We are giving, do give, give is the English equivalent of 'damus'. The Latin word is the first person plural form in the present indicative tense. Its infinitive form is 'dare'.
No equivalent word in Sanskrit
The equivalent of the word Vater in English is "father."
The equivalent of the word Verzeichnis in English is "Directory."
The equivalent of the word Gatte in English is "husband."
The equivalent of the word Proklamationen in English "the proclamation."
The equivalent of the word israelitisch in English is "Jewish".