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Q: Every way to make 25 cents with 5 cents 10 cents 1 cent?
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Are the gasoline companies unaware that the pumps would be cheaper to make and to calibrate if the price were an even cent amount?

Why would they do that. they pocket one cent for every ten gallions sold.To them the way it is makes more cents.

How many ways to make 0.42 cents?

It is not possible to answer the question without information about the currency that the question refers to. For example, the Euro and the Dollar both use cents but while the Euro has a 20 cent coin and not a 25, the US cent is the other way around. It is not possible to guess which currency you mean.

What is the value of a 1958 US cent?

Unless it is special in some way, i.e., uncirculated or proof , it is worth one cent. A nice uncirculated one might retail for 25-35 cents, while a proof might be 35-50 cents.1 cent

How can you covert dollars to cents?

1 dollar = 100 cents. Therefore, any dollar amounts that you have can be multiplied by 100 to obtain the cent amount. Also, any cent amounts that you have can be divided by 100 to obtain the dollar amount.

Why does every gallon of gasoline everywhere add 0.0099 cents to the cost?

this is a hidden way of adding $billions to the yearly profits. just how many gallons a day is bought and multiply that by a hidden one cent add to the price.

What is 50 cent's weight?

50 cents weight is the perimital way round a circumferenced circle times by the number of mams you have

What is 50 Cent's weight?

50 cents weight is the perimital way round a circumferenced circle times by the number of mams you have

How do you write 50 cents?

There are two ways that you can write 50 cents. One way is fifty cents. The other way is the number 50 with the cents sign behind it.

If someone says point two cents how would you write it?

Point two cents means 2/10 of one cent. The best way to write 2/10 of one cent is $0.002, sort of like when you see gas prices on a sign as maybe $2.639, where the last digit means 9/10 of one cent.

If you have 50 cents 25 cents 10 cents and 5 cents how many ways can you make 75 cents?

Only one way .50 + .25 = .75 ??????????

How many way can you make a dollor from cent?

923 ways

How much is a 1972 50 cent peace werth?

OK I have to fix your spelling. How much is a 1972 50 cent piece worth? Now that is out of the way. A 1972 50 cent piece (or more commonly a half dollar) is worth 50 cents.