A Kilometre is a mid range unit of linear distance. It is used mainly to indicate the separation of places geographically.
very small ofr tiny things because "milli" means small.
A person's mass, airline [check-in] luggage, sack of potatoes, cereals.
Divide speed by time. In this case, you get (kilometers / hour) / hour, or kilometers/hour2. That means, how much does the speed change in an hour.
It is not likely that a tall building would be measured in kilometers. Actually the tallest building in the world is only 829.8 meters which is known as Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Buildings are commonly measured in feet or meters.
a flag pole,a truck,
Paperclips pencap
very small ofr tiny things because "milli" means small.
amount of air, liquid
Measured by mass: apples, books, and bricks. Measured by volume: water, oil, and milk. Measured by length: pencils, ropes, and hair.
A person's mass, airline [check-in] luggage, sack of potatoes, cereals.
Bigger objects like celestial bodies ,Earth ,sun their radius are measured in kilometers .
distance between cities, length of a long beach, height of a commercial flight
24.31 kilometers = 2,431,000 centimeters