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From Seely - Anatomy & Physiology 6th Edition:

The hepatic ducts from the liver lobes

combine to form the common hepatic

duct. The common hepatic duct combines

with the cystic duct from the gallbladder

to form the common bile duct. (Bile contains no digestive enzymes, but it plays

a role in digestion because it neutralizes and dilutes stomach acid

and emulsifies fats. The pH of chyme as it leaves the stomach is too

low for the normal function of pancreatic enzymes. Bile helps to

neutralize the acidic chyme and to bring the pH up to a level at

which pancreatic enzymes can function.)

The common bile duct and the

pancreatic duct combine to form the

hepatopancreatic ampulla. The hepatopancreatic ampulla empties

into the duodenum at the major

duodenal papilla. Pancreatic secretions also enter the

duodenum through the

hepatopancreatic ampulla. The

accessory pancreatic duct also empties

into the duodenum.

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