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Because it has 4 sides

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Q: Explain Why a trapizoid is a quadrilateral?
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Why is a trapizoid not a quadrilateral?

Most probably because there is no such word as trapizoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral.

Why is a trapazoid a quadrilteral but a quadrilateral is not a trapazoid?

a trapizoid is a quadrilateral bacause it has 4 sides and because QUAD means 4 or one that has for sides and a trapizoid has 4 sides so its a quadrilateral

Draw a quadrilateral that has only two sides parallel what kind of quadrilateral is it?

a trapizoid

What is the only quadrilateral that does not have 2 pairs of parallel sides?

I think it is a trapizoid

What is a quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of opposite sides that is parallel?

a trapizoid

How many edges and vertices does a trapizoid have?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral. As such, it hasfoursides and four vertices.

A quadrilateral with opposite sides paralle?

it just depends a quadrilateral is a figure with 4 sides, so it could be a trapizoid, rhombus, square, etc.

What quadrilateral has two pairs of parallel sides that are the same length and angles that are not the same size?

a trapizoid

How many sides does a trapizoid have?

4 sides, because a trapezoid is a quadrilateral and quadrilaterals ALWAYS have 4 sides

What figure is quadrilateral diagonal sides and both pairs od opposite sides are parallel?

a trapizoid is the 2d shape for that

What 4 sided shape has 2 parallel and 2 non parallel sides?

quadrilateral. not all, but it can. No, its obviously a trapizoid

Is a trapezoid always a quadrilateral?

No. A quadrilateral is any four-sided figure. A trapezoid is one example of a quadrilateral.