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Conduct your sampling at a Baseball game, a baseball museum or at a meeting of Little League coaches.

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Q: Explain how a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample?
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What is bias in sampling?

a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample

Is the question What is your favorite horror movie a biased question?

Yes, the question "What is your favorite horror movie" is biased because it assumes the respondent has watched horror movies and has a favorite among them. It may not be suitable for someone who does not enjoy or watch horror films.

What is percent proportion?

It means to represent propotions in percentile. eg) 75% of men are gender biased.

How do you relate biased and unbiased to the real world?

you can not people can be biased and not biased

Use the word biased in a sentence?

I think that question was biased! It almost made me think you were biased! It should be obvious my answer is biased! Sometimes I think that I.Q. test questions are biased!

Is Science biased?

Science is not biased.

Which sport do you prefer football soccer baseball or tennis is this question biased or fair?

It's a fair question.

How do you make a percent for this problem miki tosses a coin 50 times and the coin shows head 28 times What is the percent?

28 times out of 50 as a percent is achieved thus (28/50)*100 = 56% (The coin would appear to be biased by the way).

What is the prefix for biased?

The prefix for biased is "un-".

How do you find the probability on a biased coin of getting 3 heads out of 3 coin tosses when the probability of getting a head is 60 percent?

0.63 = 0.216

What is a biased?

A biased sample is a sample that is not random. A biased sample will skew the research because the sample does not represent the population.

What does biased and un-biased mean?

Biased- prejudice Unbiased- fair or impartial