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Average speed = d/t

(distance covered in some period of time) divided by (the length of time to cover it)

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Q: Explain how to calculate average speed?
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You can calculate the average speed of an object by?

the speed

Is it easier to calculate speed or average speed?

I'm sure that average speed would be easier to calculate than instantaneous speed. To calculate average speed, just take the time that it takes to travel between two points, and divide that into the distance between the points.

How do you calculate the average speed of a swimmer?

You can calculate the average speed of a swimmer by dividing the total distance swum by the total time taken to swim that distance. The formula is: Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.

Why can you only calculate a stone's average speed during its fall?

That is just not true! If you can calculate its average speed you should be able to calculate its speed at any point in time during its flight, including its final velocity.

How do you calculated average speed?

you calculate average speed by dividing the total distance to the total time.

How do they calculate average speed?

Average speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)

Can you use average speed to calculate the speed of an object that is moving at a constant speed?

Yes, average speed can be used to calculate the speed of an object moving at a constant speed. This is because the average speed over a whole journey for an object moving at a constant speed is the same as its actual speed.

Why is the average speed the easiest to calculate?

the average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time.

Which equation is used to calculate the train's average speed?

The equation used to calculate average speed is distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel that distance. It is represented as: Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.

How do you calculate time with speed and acceleration?

Average acceleration = Change in speed/time so Time = Change in speed/Average acceleration

Is speed that does not vary is called average speed?

No, speed can vary and one can still calculate the average speed of an entire trip. Average speed is equal to the change in distance divided by the change in time.

Explain in a physics way how to find the average speed for a trip in your car?

To find the average speed for a trip in your car, you would calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken. This would give you the average speed at which you traveled throughout the trip. It is important to note that this average speed may not accurately reflect your actual speed during specific parts of the trip if there were varying speeds or stops.