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I know because 17 thousandths is 3 places after the decimal.

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Q: Explain how you know that 17 thousandths is more than two places to the right of the decimal point?
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How do you know that 17 thousandths has more than two places to the right of thousandths decimal point?

17 being a whole number lies to the left of the point. To turn it into thousandths you have to move it to the right, three places. One is 1.7, 2 is 0.17, 3 is 0.017, The thousandths POSITION is 0.001. So 17 thousandths does not lie more than two places to the right of that. It does lie more than two places to the right of the decimal point. Don't mix up these. There is no such thing as the "thousandths decimal point".

How many places is ten-thousandths?

4 to the right of the decimal point.

How is 17 thousandths has more than two places to the right of the decimal point?

The first place after the decimal point is tenths. The second place after the decimal point is hundredths The third place after the decimal point is thousandths. So the number must extend to the third place after the decimal.

Why is 17 thousandths more than two places to the right of the decimal point?

Because 17 thousandths is three places to the right of the decimal and well, 3 is more than 2.

How do you convert 1.647 to thousandts?

Move the decimal point 3 places to the right: 1647 thousandths

How would you write 0.512 as a fraction?

Since the third digit after the decimal point is the thousandths, this is equivalent to 512/1000.Since the third digit after the decimal point is the thousandths, this is equivalent to 512/1000.Since the third digit after the decimal point is the thousandths, this is equivalent to 512/1000.Since the third digit after the decimal point is the thousandths, this is equivalent to 512/1000.

Explain how to multiply a whole number by a decimal in the hundredths?

When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.

What is the hundredth place for 14.762?

14.7 6 2 the 6 is in the hundredths place. Order of places from decimal point: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, etc..


Because a thousandth is in the third place.

How do you multiply one tenths and one hundredths or one thousandths?

To multiply by 1/10, move the decimal point 1 place to the left. To multiply by 1/100, move the decimal point 2 places to the left. To multiply by 1/1000, move the decimal point 3 places to the left.

What is 6.666 rounded to the nearest thousandth?


Where the thousandths place in a decimal fraction?

Third to the right of the decimal point