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Q: Explain the principal of marking out developing basic shapes from flat sheet plate or rolled section?
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What does the word pricipal means?

maybe u mean the word principal: principal |ˈprinsəpəl| adjective [ attrib. ] 1 first in order of importance; main : the country's principal cities. 2 (of money) denoting an original sum invested or lent : the principal amount of your investment. noun 1 the person with the highest authority or most important position in an organization, institution, or group : a design consultancy whose principal is based in San Francisco. • the head of a school, college, or other educational institution. • the leading performer in a concert, play, ballet, or opera. • Music the leading player in each section of an orchestra. 2 a sum of money lent or invested on which interest is paid : the winners are paid from the interest without even touching the principal. 3 a person for whom another acts as an agent or representative : stockbrokers in Tokyo act as agents rather than as principals. • Law the person directly responsible for a crime. • historical each of the combatants in a duel. 4 a main rafter supporting purlins. 5 an organ stop sounding a main register of open flue pipes typically an octave above the diapason. DERIVATIVES principalship |-ˌ sh ip| |ˈprɪnsəpəlˈʃɪp| noun ORIGIN Middle English : via Old French from Latin principalis 'first, original,' from princeps, princip- 'first, chief.' USAGE Is it principal or principle ? Principal means 'most important' or 'person in charge': : my principal reason for coming tonight;: the high school principal. It also means 'a capital sum': : the principal would be repaid in five years. Principle means 'rule, basis for conduct': : her principles kept her from stealing despite her poverty.

Acres in a section of land?

1 section = 640 acres. A quarter section = 160 acres.

How do you find area of section?

The answer depends on what the section is of.

What has a circular cross section when the cross section is taken parallel?

A cylinder has a circular cross section that is parallel to its base.

What is the meaning of circular section?

A circular section refers to a part or segment of a larger circular object or shape. It typically describes a section that is formed by cutting or dividing the circular object along a specific path or line. The circular section retains the characteristics and properties of the original circular shape.

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Either of the two points marking the end of a line section..

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Article 22 section 16 kelly racho