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because the light moths go on the tree and get dark. thats why

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Q: Explain the reason for the increase in the number of dark moths?
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Why did the number of peppered moths increase after the 1850s?

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Why did the number of dark peppered moths increase after the 1850s?

The industrialization in England of factories caused the trees to turn darker due to the ash and soot coming from the factories. When the trees were done evolving into dark colored trees the dark peppered moths were difficult to see for the birds went after the ones which were easier to see, which were the light peppered moths.

What was the cause of the increase in the numbers of the black moths in England in the 1800s?

gene flow

What was the cause of increase in the numbers of black moths in England in the 1800s?

more smog from factories meant that moths had to adapt to blend in, so there started to be far more black moths than white

What was the cause of the increase in the numbers of black moths in England in the 1800's?

gene flow

Can moths grow in clothing?

Yes moths can grow in clothing . This happenes when clothing is kept in a place for to long or if the cloths are very old. The main reason this happenes is because of the bacteria in the cloths that is very bad and this causes the moths to grow.

An experiment is performed with peppered moths. The table below shows the populations of light-colored moths and dark-colored moths before and after the trees turned black.?

the dark-colored moths were more fit. ( apex )

Which evolutionary mechanism caused the increase in dark-colored Biston moths in England in the 1800s?

natural selection!