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Q: Explain whether 1 can be a additive identity. give a example to justify your answer?
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The requirements are that the operation of addition is associative, the existence of an additive identity and additive inverses. Associativity: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c = a + b + c Identity: The set contains a unique element, called the additive identity and often denoted by 0 with the property that a + 0 = 0 + a = a for all a in the set. Inverse: For each element in the set, x, there exists an element which is its additive inverse. For addition, this is denoted by -x, and has the property that -x + x = 0. x + y = x + z Add the inverse of x to both sides: -x + (x + y) = -x + (x + z) By associativity: (-x + x) + y = (-x + x) + z -x is additive inverse of x, so: 0 + y = 0 + z 0 is additive identity, so y = z

What is the sum of two integers that are opposites justify the answer?

It is zero and that is simply because that is how additive opposites are defined.

What is another word that means explain?

another word for explain is justify.

What is the mathematical definition of justify?

Explain , or determine . For example , you are asked to solve a problem in math , and it asks you to " JUSTIFY your answer " . So you need to first show how you got your answer , and then give supporting details . Then you close your work together with an sentence that answers the question .

What does it mean to justify your answer?

To explain why your answer is correct.

What does it mean when a person says justify your love?

To justify your love means to explain why you love someone. The person asking must misunderstand why you have strong feelings about them and want you to explain why you feel this way.

Other words for the word explain?

There are other words for the word explain like describe, clarify and justify.

Can you give me an example of the word justify?

There is nothing you can say that would justify lying to your mother.

Explain the difficulties associated with telling businesses that its ethical responsibilities end with obedience to the law Justify your response with a related example?

businesses think that being morally correct is enough

What is an example of justify in math terms?


What is an example of justify in math?

To justify something in math is to prove it. Example: Justify 4x = 8 when x = 2. When x = 2, 4(2) = 8. Done. By doing this I justified that 4x = 8 when x = 2.

How can you use the word justify in a sentence?

She tried to justify her actions by explaining the reasoning behind her decision.