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technically speaking your body gains thermal energy because we are thinking about celcius not farrenheit. you should always know the difference between those two and if you dont ohwell you shouldnt be looking this question up online because this is probobally your homework. you should be thinking about this on your own in your textbook. and if you still dont understand it OHHHWELLL ask your teacher at school or a parent or guardian . umhumm i went their sistta!

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Q: Explain whether your body gains or loses thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 degrees c and the temperature around you is 25 degrees c?
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Explain whether your body gains or loses thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius and the temperature around you is 25 degrees Celsius?

25degres celsius has more thermal energy

Explain whether your body gains or loses thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 degrees cellious the temperature around you is 25 degrees cellious?

yes it does

Explain whether your body gains or loses thermal energy if your body temp is 37 degrees Celsius and then temp around you is 25 degrees Celsius?

Your body would gain thermal energy because thermal energy only moves from something at a higher temperature to something at a lower temperature.

Explain whether your body temperature is 37C and the temperature around you is 25C?

thermal energy you loose. because you are not carging energyyou losseing energy

Explain whether your body gains or loses thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 C and the temperature around you is 25 C?

Your body would typically lose thermal energy in this scenario since the surrounding temperature is lower than your body temperature. Heat naturally flows from areas of higher temperature to lower temperature, so your body will release heat to the cooler environment until it reaches thermal equilibrium.

How many degrees does neptune have?

The answer depends on whether you mean degrees of temperature or degrees of tilt.

How can you tell whether a temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees celsius?

You can tell whether a temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius by looking for the symbol °F for Fahrenheit or °C for Celsius typically written after the number. Additionally, temperatures in the United States are often in Fahrenheit while temperatures in most other countries are in Celsius.

The temperature in the woodlands in 360 degrees?

Not sure what you are trying to ask. 360 degrees (whether Celsius or Fahrenheit) is far higher than any temperature encountered anywhere on Earth.

How can you tell whether one glass of water has more thermal energy than another identical glass of water?

You can tell by measuring the temperature of each glass of water. The glass with a higher temperature will have more thermal energy.

How can you tell whether one glass of water has more thermal energy than another identical glass of water.?

How you can tell is the temperature between the two liquids. If one of the liquid's temperature is warmer than the other one, then that liquid has more thermal energy.

Whether 36.5 degree Celsius is normal?

A temperature of 36.5 degrees Celsius is considered normal for an adult. It falls within the normal range of body temperature, which is typically between 36.1 and 37.2 degrees Celsius.

You see a lighted sign in a snowstorm that gives the temperature as 26 degrees but you can't make out whether the temperature scale is Celsius or Fahrenheit which is it?

is celsius