To write 204 in Roman numerals, you would use the numeral "CC" for 200 and the numeral "IV" for 4. Therefore, 204 in Roman numerals is written as "CCIV."
base = 204/10.2 = 20 feet
As a Roman numeral it is: (XV)CCIIII meaning 1,000*15 +204 = 15,204
Two hundred four dollars.
I think you really wanted to know how to write four and two hundredths, which is 4.02; if you actually wanted to write four and two hundreds, that is equivalent to two hundred and four, or 204.
To write 204 in Roman numerals, you would use the numeral "CC" for 200 and the numeral "IV" for 4. Therefore, 204 in Roman numerals is written as "CCIV."
base = 204/10.2 = 20 feet
Two hundred and Four.
Oh, dude, the value of 4 in 204 is, like, 4. I mean, it's just hanging out there, being all 4-like in the hundreds place. It's not trying to be anything else, just chillin' and doing its thing.
As a Roman numeral it is: (XV)CCIIII meaning 1,000*15 +204 = 15,204
There is no set of four consecutive odd integers for 204. The only set is even: 48, 50, 52 and 54.
two hundred four
204 000
Two hundred four dollars.
base = 12 ft and height = 17 ft Check: 12*17 = 204 square feet Solved with the help of the quadratic equation formula.