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every minute is 60 seconds, so 5x60=300 plus additional 15 seconds is 315 seconds

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Q: Express 5 minutes and 15 seconds in seconds?
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What is 36 seconds plus 5 minutes plus 15 seconds?

5 minutes 51 seconds.

What do you get if you add 8 minutes 32 seconds 37 minutes 18 seconds 15 seconds?

46 minutes and 5 seconds

How much is 8 minutes 32 seconds plus 37 minutes 18 seconds plus 15 second?

((8 minutes 32 seconds) + (37 minutes 18 seconds)) + (15 second) = 46 minutes 5 seconds

What is 15 hours and 5 minutes plus 30 seconds?

15 hours 5.5 minutes.

How many Min in 315 s?

5 minutes and 15 seconds.

What is 10 minutes 15 seconds minus 5 minutes 50 seconds?

10 Min's - 5 Min's = 5 Min's - 50 Sec's = 4 Min's 10 Sec's - 15 Sec's = 3 Min's 55 Sec's 3 Minutes and 55 Seconds. ------------------- Interesting math, but the correct answer is still 4 minutes, 25 seconds. Why did you subtract the 15 seconds instead of adding it??

What is the answer to 11 hours 25 minutes 20 seconds plus 4 hours 5 minutes 35 seconds?

(11 hours 25 minutes 20 seconds) + (4 hours 5 minutes 35 seconds) = 15 hours 31 seconds.

9 hours 21 minutes 9 seconds-3hours 46 minutes 54 seconds?

9 hours 21 minutes 09 seconds - 3 hours 46 minutes 54 seconds =5 hours 34 minutes 15 seconds

What is 3 hr 35 min 45 sec plus 1 hr 45 min 30 sec?

3 hours, 35 minutes, and 45 seconds plus 1 hour, 45 minutes and 30 seconds is 5 hours, 21 minutes, and 15 seconds.

How many 15 seconds are there in 5 minutes?

1 minute = 60 seconds = 60/15 = 4 lots of 15 second timeslots. So 5 minutes = 5*4 = 20 such intervals. another way of looking at it : a 15 second timeslot can start anywhere, as long as it will have 15 seconds in it so within 15 seconds that will be one slot, obvious within 16 seconds there will be 2 slots, one start at the first second, second one starting at the second second. so for 5 minutes, which equals 300 seconds, that would amount to 286 slots.

How many seconds equals 5 minutes?

5 minutes is 300 seconds @60 seconds per minute.

How many seconds are in 15 summers?

There are approximately 94 days in Summer.15 Summers * 94 Days * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 5, 076,000 seconds.