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Q: Ezekiel has 36 nickels 24 dimes 19 quarters and 15 fifty-cent pieces?
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Related questions

How do you make a dallor with coins?

two fifty cent pieces four quarters ten dimes twenty nickels hundred pennys

What amountof money is 8 quarters?

Eight quarters equals $2, which equals 200 cents. This could be: 200 pennies 40 nickels 20 dimes 4 fifty-cent pieces 2 silver/gold dollars

What is Canadian money made of in 1960?

In 1960, Canadian 1 cent pieces ("pennies") were made of bronze, 5 cent pieces ("nickels") were made of nickel, and 10 cent pieces ("dimes"), 25 cent pieces ("quarters"), 50 cent pieces ("half dollars") and dollar coins were all composed of 80% silver (with, I believe, the balance being copper).

How do you make five dollars using one hundred coins with no nickels?

There are 500 pennies or 50 dimes or 20 quarters or 10 fifty cent pieces in a 5 dollar roll: 1 fifty cent piece & 3 quarters & 31 dimes & 65 pennies = $5

How do you make a dollar with coins?

You can make a dollar with any sorts of combinations of coins. A dollar is 100 cents. So 4 quarters or 2 $.50 pieces or 10 dimes or 4 nickels +8 dimes.

How much is 19 nickels 43 dimes 24 quarters 14 fifty-cent pieces?

(19 x 0.05) + (43 x 0.1) + (24 x 0.25) + (14 x 0.5) = $18.25

How do you make thirty dollars in coins?

There are a huge number of different ways to do it.Here are a few of them:Thirty $1 coins.Sixty 50-cent pieces.120 quarters.300 dimes.600 nickels.3,000 pennies.

What is the value of 1 dollar?

the value of one dollar is one hundred pennies 100 pennies, 20 nickels, 10 dimes, 4 quarters or 2 50 cent pieces. Or any combination that comes out to 100 cents.

How many dimes is in 3 quarters and 9 nickels?

To figure out problems, break it down into pieces: 9 nickles is 9x5=45 cents3 quarters is 3x25=75 cents 45 cents plus 75 cents = 1.20 A dime is 10 cents. 1.20 (dollars.cents) divided by 10 (cents) = 12 dimes

Mavis has 33 nickels 67 dimes 19 quarters and 14 fifty cent pieces. how much money does she have?

33*5 + 67*10 + 19*25 + 14*50 = 2010 cents Mavis has 20 dollars and 10 cents.

What is the value of Buffalo nickels with no dates on them?

No date Buffalo Nickels are still 5 cents, some arts and crafts people buy them for jewelry pieces

If you cute a pizza into 4 pices what is the greatest number of pieces you could get?

4 quarters, 4 pieces.