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dependent variable

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Q: Factor that depends on the value of the other variable?
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What is the factor that depends on the value of the other variable?

dependent variable

What is factor that depends on the value of the other variable?

dependent variable

What is the factor that depends on the value of the other variable is?

dependent variable

What is the factor that depends on the value of the other variables?

dependent variable

What is the variable that depends on the value of the other variable?

dependent variable

Why it is termed as dependent variable?

Because it depends on the other variable for its value.

Variable is the value whose value depends upon the value of the independent variable?

The dependent variable is the variable that depends on the independent variable.

What is a depened variable?

The key word here is 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵. This means that the variable's value depends upon something else. For example, to figure out Y, you need to multiply 4 times X and then add 3. Whatever value you put for X determines what Y's value will be. So Y depends upon the value of X . That makes Y a dependent variable.

Which variable of well-designed experiment might be affected by the factor being tested?

In well-designed experiment, the dependent variable might be affected by the factor being tested. The dependent variable refers to any variable whose value depends on that of another.

What best describes the dependent variable in an experiment?

The factor in an experiment that responds to the manipulated variable

What is dependent quantity means in math?

A variable that depends on one or more other variables. For equations such as y = 3x - 2, the dependent variable is y. The value of y depends on the value chosen for x. Usually the dependent variable is isolated on one side of an equation. Formally, a dependent variable is a variable in an expression, equation, orfunction that has its value determined by the choice of value(s) of other variable(s).

What relationship does a linear graph shows?

A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.