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0K = -273.15oC = -459.67oF

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Q: Fahrenheit absolut zero
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Does anything not have heat?

No. Consider for a moment that absolute zero (0°Kelvin, -273.15°Celsius, or -459.67°Fahrenheit) is the point at which matter loses all energy. Technology being what it is, we cannot reach or even measure absolut zero; measuring anything with current technology cannot be accomplished without adding energy to it.

How many calories in Absolut Pear?

69 kcal per 1 oz.

Is zero degrees celsius the same as zero degrees Fahrenheit?

No, zero degrees Celsius is not the same as zero degrees Fahrenheit. Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, while zero degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to -17.8 degrees Celsius.

What is the integer of 6 degrees Fahrenheit below zero?

What is the integer of 6 degrees Fahrenheit below zero?

What does zero centigrade convert to in Fahrenheit?

Zero degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the Fahrenheit equivalent to zero degrees centigrade?

The Fahrenheit equivalent to zero degrees Centigrade is 32. Centigrade is another name for Celsius, and zero Celsius is the same as zero centigrade.

If a temperature is 32 Fahrenheit what is it in Celsius?

Zero C

What is 12 degrees below zero in Fahrenheit?

12 degrees below zero Celsius is equal to about 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the freezing point of water zero degrees Fahrenheit?

No, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the teperature of absolute zero in Fahrenheit?

Absolute zero is equivalent to approximately -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, all molecular motion theoretically ceases.

What is zero fahreheit in celcius?

0 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -17.78 degrees Celsius.

180 degrees below zero Celsius is what temperature Fahrenheit?

180 degrees below zero Celsius is equal to -292 degrees Fahrenheit.