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I'm assuming that you're wondering how tall you are likely to be. Since your father is average height for men, and your mother is slightly short for women, the odds are that you will be about the same height as your same-sex parent. If you are female, you might be Slightly taller than your mother. If you are male, you might be Slightly shorter than your father. About 150 years ago, a Monk named Gregor Mendel did some experiments on peas and fruit flies that proved the basic Laws of Genetics. Since that time, other scientists have refined his laws. Genetics is a fascinating subject, and well worth some time spent learning about it. In a nutshell, and pertaining to your question, the Laws of Genetics state that Tall is dominant over Short. Each child gets two batches of genes; one from his/her mother's egg, and one from his/her father's sperm. If the father passes on a gene for Tall, and the mother donates a gene for Short, the baby will grow up to be Tall, since the "Tall" gene from the father dominated the "Short" gene from the mother. So far, so good. However the gene that is Not obvious is still there. It's what is called Recessive. A Tall person could have a "Short" gene lurking in his/her genetic code, gotten from a short parent (or a tall parent with a short ancestor), and available to be passed on to the offspring . Also, "short" and "tall" are relative. A Watusi with a "Short" gene could be taller than an Italian with a "Tall" gene, because Watusis tend to be taller people than Italians to begin with. What this means is that, unless a baby comes from a pair of blonde, blue eyed, short people (all recessive), how he/she will look is an absolutely guaranteed, positively proven Crap Shoot. Only a Geneticist, working in a lab, could predict with any certainty how a child will look. In your case, though, you seem to have gotten a "short" gene from your short mother, and, depending on your ethnic background, possibly a "tall" gene from your father, if he comes from a relatively short ethnic group. Therefore, the odds are that you will be no taller than your father. Of course, other things in your Biology are at work, modifying your genes (otherwise, there would be just two heights of humans; all tall people would be One height, and all short people would be the Other), and these might make a difference. Also, your diet plays a big part in how the genes develop.

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