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Q: Fill in the blank choose one of the two optionThe excerpt below illustrates a directness indirectness in the use of language?
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English is known for its directness and efficiency in communication, reflecting values of clarity and practicality. On the other hand, Spanish often values politeness and formality, which can be seen in the use of formal pronouns and verb conjugations. Additionally, Spanish language and culture often emphasize the importance of relationships and warmth in communication.

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It represents simple, direct, economical language.

What characteristics of imagism?

Imagism was a modernist movement in poetry that emphasized clear, precise language and focused on creating vivid images through minimal use of words. Characteristics included brevity, use of common language, free verse, and a focus on capturing moments, feelings, or impressions without elaboration. The movement sought to reject the sentimentality and excesses of romantic poetry, instead valuing clarity and directness in expression.

How culture shape communication?

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