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Q: Financial experts recommend having an emergency fund that is equal to 3-6 months worth of living expenses?
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How much cash should I have put back as an emergency fund?

Some financial experts feel that people should start with $1,000 dollars as an emergency fund. The goal is to have enough to cover all of your expenses for at least a month or two.

What percentage of your income should you save?

Financial experts typically recommend saving at least 20% of your income. However, the exact percentage can vary depending on individual goals, expenses, and financial situation. It's important to create a savings plan that works best for your own circumstances.

When a blizzard begins immediately travel to an emergency shelter True or false?

False. Experts recommend you shouldn't go out in a blizzard.

What percentage of your total income should be spent on a new car?

Financial experts generally recommend spending no more than 15-25% of your total income on a new car. It's important to consider your individual financial situation, including other expenses and savings goals, before determining how much you can comfortably spend on a car.

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A Sacred Cow project refers to financial statements that are often believed to be true resulting them not being argued that much, but they lack any scientific backing. One example is the percentage financial experts recommend putting away to save towards retirement.

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How healthy do medical experts consider a fruit diet?

Many experts and doctors recommend fruit in the normal everyday diet however they don't recommend high amounts because or the sugar in fruits and because its natural its hard to have the fruit and not the sugar content.

How does Debt Free Direct help people get out of debt?

Debt Free Direct can help a person get out of debt by analyzing a person's current financial situation and advise them on how to go about resolving their debt. Debt Free Direct has experts ready to recommend how you can eliminate your debt.

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How can someone with bad credit qualify for a home equity loan?

To see if one qualifies for a home equity loan even with a bad credit score, one should speak to financial experts. Try the local bank or financial experts for advice on the situation.

Do Experts recommend that you only use insurance if the item is worth more than 100000 dollars?

No, trust me.

Which one is better for me: 401k vs. Roth ira?

It is best to get financial advice from financial experts. One of the leading companies in finance is Charles Schwab. You can visit their website at: