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Q: Find Different arrangements that can be made out of the seven colours of rainbow so that blue and green colours shall not come together?
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How many different colors can you get felt in?

You Can Get Felt In Many Different Colours. Especially The Colours In The RainBow.

Where do the prism come from?

Light (or sunlight) is made up of all the wavelengths of light combined. If you mix all the colours of the rainbow together you get white. A prism just spreads out the individual wavelengths to illustrate the different colours. Different colours of light are just different mixtures of these.

How many different colours are there in the rainbow?

There are 7 different colors in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Is light white?

Light appears white, however it is made up of different colours, which when put together make white light. These colours can be seen if you direct light through a prism. At the right angle the light is split up into the colours (rainbow).

What is rainbow bunchie?

as you may know bunchies are a mix between slugs and llamas, they are usually green. rainbow bunchies are just bunchies that change colours or are in many different colours

What happens when light is shone at a prism?

It splits into the colours that make it up, so white light makes a rainbow, and different colours produce different results.

What are the colours in a rainbow paddlepop?

The colors in a rainbow paddlepop are typically red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

How is the major scale related to the colors of the rainbow?

There are different notes used in a major scale and there are different colours in a rainbow. Some people have a condition called "synesthesia" which means they can picture scenes and colours in there head when a particular note is played. Since there are seven notes in a major scale, there will be seven colours (including the five accidentals omitted from the scale).

How colors in a rainbow?

There are seven colours in a rainbow. In order, the colours are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

Why black and white are not primary color?

Black and white are not considered primary colors because they do not contain specific wavelengths of light that can be combined to create other colors. In color theory, primary colors are red, blue, and yellow because they can be mixed together in different combinations to create all other colors in the visible spectrum. Black is the absence of light and white is a combination of all colors, which is why they are not classified as primary colors.

How may color in a rainbow?

There are 7 colours in a rainbow.They are red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet. But a lot of people like to add different colours like black, brown, and pink. so the colours of the rainbow really vary on what type of person you are.

'colors rainbow has the seven' how to write this sentence?

The rainbow has seven colours.